Introduction to the
Skywatcher Clan


    Those with closed minds, and hearts, who are unable or unwilling to see and accept what was purposely left out of the history books, will see only what they wish to see, ignore what they wish to ignore, and really shouldn't bother reading on.

        The Order of the Skywatcher Clan is not a cult,  nor a religion. It is an ancient people whose beliefs are of truth, honor, and peace. It is a tribe of native, and advanced, North American Indians who have survived these many thousands of years with 'travelers' who have visited, and became a part of, other tribes and cultures around the world. But yet, the nation of the Skywatchers was a small Nation that existed in Central Florida with its center being located just out side present day Kelly Park. The Nation was lost after a Spanish military expedition destroyed the tribal nation north of Apopka, Florida, in 1776. Thise who were 'away' and survived the massacre, and forced march to Five Mile Pond, tried to reclaim their lands only to be hunted down and massacred by the U.S. Army in 1782.

        It is my hopes, as the Skywatcher Tribal Chief, to find the other members of the Skywatcher Clan and rebuild the tribe and Nation, have it recognized as a native tribe of North America, restore the lost history of my people, and re acquire some of the tribe's original lands to reestablish the Skywatcher Nation. To accomplish this, we have acquired a 501(c)(3) organization status and the art work contained within is given as a gift for a donation (these are tax deductible). In return, the Skywatchers profived free activities such as cave exploration, science, astronomy, arts & crafts, beading, herbal medicines, weaving, film making and many other activities which are free to those who are interested.

        The Skywatchers were created in hopes to free humanity from the tyranny imposed upon them by false gods called the Annunaki and to teach people to live in balance with nature while still being able to have technology.

        As you read about my people, some of our mythology, our sacred places, the ancient, advanced technologies, I hope you will keep in mind that all peoples have their own stories, but how remarkably similar they all are. All stories and mythologies have a basis in truth and those who wish to see the truth will see it. The Skywatcher presence is revealed in the stories of many tribes around the world not by name but by appearance, (shown in rock art and carvings) and in the very advanced structures, artifacts, astronomical alignments that are common in many ancient sites and by symbols of their legendary teachers and companions; the great Dragons. Skywatcher remains have been found; Kennewick, Warm Mineral Springs, Windover, Spirit Cave and documentaries made that show that the Skywatcher ancestors are the oldest, still operating tribe in the Americas, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, and were responsible for influences many of the cultures around the world.

 John Martello
Order of the Skywatcher Clan
