Authors Note: As you see, even the mandatory (hey, what havoc can I wreak, just sitting at the computer ;-) but extremely boring yearly security shindigs of our university are good for something...
The sun was setting
Be especially careful outside normal work shift when you are tired.
upon the InjuGen building
InjuGen is a corporation going for the quick profit in biotechnology.
The security measurements will be comparably sloppy. located in
Sunnyvale, California, USA.
The USA is what's called a 'country'. It's armed with atomic bombs.
Expect it to break any rule at will if it's beneficial for it.
Under an exhauster, Regularly
check the underpressure power of your exhauster. A wool string or
suchlike is a good idea. Prof. Eugene Redman
We wouldn't let
Prof. Eugene Redman even hand an egg to cook without proper explosion
protection. Trust us. We know his reputation! was working
with mutagenic chemicals.
Lab gown, googles and gloves are mandatory if your DNA is of any
value to you. At another work bench, Dr. Diana Whitehead
In high risk labs, pregnant or lactating women are not allowed
for their own good. And regardless what Women's Lib says,
women might be a security problem in general. was handling
newly synthesized pheromones.
The following incident even our anal-retentive security committee
couldn't foresee, it was too bloody implausible.
She couldn't foresee the bloody implausible effect that the new
substance, dedicated for usage in animal breeding,
A horny bull, stallion or
other large animal surely won't have the hots for *you* but we still
recommend to stay outside the range of his hooves OR member. Or you may
be fucked in more than one way. would make *her* super-horny.
Moaning, she stripped off her clothes. "Fuck me, Prof! Now!"
In high risk labs, absolutely no drinking, eating, smoking, cosmetics,
and especially NO SEX! Prof. Eugene Redman was completely
Because he
was a nerd and a male virgin. Didn't we say women might be a security
problem in general? and in a moment of inadvertency, spilled
some of the stuff he was handling.
Yes, we said it! He normally would have rejected the offer but the substance
slowly began to affect him. In a split second, they did it like rabbits on the lab floor.
Lab floors might be slippery
due to water, spilt substances, cumshots etc., so do yourself a favor and keep your cool
Nike sneakers out. Diana screamed when she orgasmed,
The French call it 'petite mort'
but that's probably an exaggeration if you are a female without coronar risks.
then again when the Professor melted into a blob engulfing her whole body,
Be extremely picky when
mating with demons, ghosts, monsters, injus etc. pp. as their kind varies enormously.
There's still a vast difference between death by perpetual orgasm and death by
slowly being eaten by demon spawn from within!, then she screamed and
orgasmed even harder as the blob was stimulating parts of her no human could have
at least not with
recommended safe sex practices and collapsed with a final squeal of
lust when her belly began to swell with squirming blob spawn.
Cf. several comments above.
The invasion just had begun...
If you are a male, TOUGH LUCK!
The End