The Meeting

By Divigon ( )


The raptor panted as he made its way to the cave mouth. Pausing

for a moment to catch its breath, it stood in the welcoming shade

of the overhang. Once it had sufficiently recovered it turned and

peered into the darkness. Its eyes automatically adjusting to the

gloom. As the room faded into being he could make out the dragon

standing in the shadows.

Ducking his head to clear the low opening he walked into the cave.

His large claw clicking on the exposed stone. Upon reaching the

dragon he raised his head and looked the dragon in the eye.

"You live in the middle of nowhere you know," he whistled through

his teeth. "Next time you are coming to my place."

"Your place," retorted to the dragon with a smirk. "You live

further into the back-blocks than I do. Way out in all that

jungle, at least I am nearer to civilisation."

"True," sighed the raptor. "But you have your magic to hide

yourself, I have to rely on my camouflage and it doesn't much go

with concrete and bitumen."

The dragon smiled and waved his hand at a rock wall. It faded,

showing a wide passageway which faded into the darkness. Together

they made their way though the tunnel and into the cavern beyond.

This chamber was larger than before, with glowing orbs which

gently illuminated the room. Over in one corner was the dragons

small hoard of treasure, glinting dimly in the light. The

remainder of the room had a few small items of furniture, a small

table covered with ancient texts and a large collection of pillows

heaped together on the sandy floor. In sharp contrast to this was

the computer against the wall which let out a soft hum.

The dragon gestured to the raptor to make himself comfortable and

the raptor strode in looking around. Carefully selecting some

cushions it arranged them in a small heap and dropped to the

floor, leaning up against them. The dragon entered a small

enclave off to one side.

"Can I get you anything?" came his voice from within. "I could

rustle you up a side of beef or something?"

"Ugh!" replied the raptor. "Why does everyone think I will just

munch down on raw meat at every chance I get. Personally I am

happy with a few family size meat lovers pizzas, or perhaps the

odd stew."

The words, "sorry" floated out from the alcove.

"Any chance of some water?" the raptor enquired. "The climb up

took a lot out of me."


There was more rustling with the sound of things being shuffled

around. After a few moments the dragon reappeared carrying a tray

with a large bowl on it, a smaller cup and a plate of savoury


The dragon set the tray down and gestured to the bowl.

"That's yours," he said to the raptor. "For memory you had

problems last time with the fine china."

The raptor blushed at the memory and easily grasped the bowl with

a talon, moving it further along the table, nearer his head.

Lowering himself he drank the cool liquid down, rumbling happily

as it flowed down his parched gullet. Meanwhile the dragon

shuffled some of the pillows around and sprawled out opposite the

raptor, clutching his drink.

For a while they both sat there, one recovering from his long

journey, the other politely waiting. Finally the raptor finished

the bowl and sat back.

"So old friend," he said looking at the dragon. "Why did you ask

me here."

The dragon put down his cup.

"Are you still on the list?" he enquired.

"Of course," came the reply. "I like to see how the humans

perceive us."

"Well," said the dragon. "Have you noticed a separation between

its members? That ugly divide has reared its head once more."

"Which divide would that be?" asked the raptor. "Not the PC

versus Unix debate again? And if its the mime versus uuencoding I

am going to be very annoyed at you, dragging me all the way over


The dragon shook his head. "No, I'm talking about the dragon

versus dinosaur debate."

"Oh," said the raptor. "I'm sorry I haven't really been following


"What do you mean have not been following it?" the dragon hissed.

"How could you not follow it?"

"I just don't read the posts. I mean, I know what I like. Who

cares what others think? Not only that, I even know some of the

answers to the questions which they ask. I provided them with

some answers once."

The dragon nodded, "I thought I saw you nick crop up a while


"Yes," continued the dragon. "But I was told I was not an expert.

Me? Not an expert on dinosaur anatomy??? I mean, pardon me for

saying so, but I believe I have a better idea than some of the

people there."

The dragon smiled in understanding. "That's right I remember now.

That was in response to were the dinosaurs warm or cold blooded

which lead onto the penis versus cloaca debate."

The raptor nodded. "I told them the truth and had it hurled back

in my face. It was strange if you ask me, but I think those who

prefer the dinos handled it better than those who play the


The dragon shook his head. "No, you are quite wrong, my misguided

friend. I distinctly remember the drakes being more correct than

the dinos."

"What do you mean," scoffed the raptor. "You wouldn't know

anything about dino anatomy expect for what you read in the

National Geographic, and that is pathetic anyway. You said that

July 96 issue was pornographic. There was nothing in there. Two

partially correct drawings and that was it. I mean what is the

point of listening to a dragon?"

"Well," began the dragon. "You can't talk. You know nothing

about my kind. You think we all live in caves and have hoards of

treasure hidden away."

"Ummm, you do," pointed out the raptor.

"That's beside the point," snapped the dragon. "I mean do I look

like one of those things you get on the cover of a TSR book to


He stood up, placed his hands on his hips and spread his wings out

behind him. The raptor scrambled to its feet.

"Do I look like one of those things from that Jurassic Park

movie?" he stammered.

For a full minute the two stood there studying each other.

The raptor leaning forward slightly, a pillow impaled on its

central claw, unnoticed in its scramble to get to his feet. His

motley green back, fading to a paler olive green front and

underside while he clenched and unclenched his talons. Their

grinding seemingly amplified in the silent chamber.

The dragon's long tail flipped unconsciously from side to side.

He too was leaning forward slightly to counter balance his

impressive silvery wings and elongated neck. His horns stretching

back over his shimmering scales while his wings moved slightly in

an unseen breeze.

"As a matter of fact," they both said in unison. "You do."

The remained in that position for a moment longer before the

dragon broke the tension by pointing to the raptor's foot.

"It seems you have killed my cushion."

The raptor looked down at his claw and giggled.

"Oh I am so sorry," he said. "I never even noticed. I'll buy you

a new one."

The dragon walked over and bent down to inspect it.

"Don't bother," he said deftly freeing it from the wickedly carved

claw. "I shouldn't have stirred you up like that."

He straightened slowly, a wing gently brushing the raptor's hide.

"No," said the raptor, suddenly acutely aware of the dragon beside

him. "It was I who made the first move."

He turned to look at the dragon, his sensitive nose inhaling the

beasts scent.

"Tell me," said the raptor softly. "Was their any truth to what

they said about your physiological characteristics."

The dragon seemed to move a little closer.

"I was going to ask you the same question," he whispered.

"Why don't we find out..." he breathed, reaching out to run a

sharpened claw across his friend's scaled chest.

Wrapping a wing around the raptor the dragon slowly lowered

himself beside the raptor...


Several hours later, the raptor lay across the dragon's chest.

Both exhausted by their explorations of each others forms.

Slowly he nuzzled under the dragon's snout, again inhaling his

friends scent.

"Why," he said softly. "Can't we all just learn to get along."

The dragon opened one eye and leaned forward to kiss the raptor on

the top of his head.

"We will," he whispered back. "We will..."